The November–December period was a particularly important phase in the Fraknói Research Group’s activities in 2024, which also impacted the website’s traffic. Between November 1 and December 31, 2024, more than 1,400 visitors accessed the website. The peak occurred on November 21, with over 100 users on that day alone.
The Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Péter Pázmány Catholic University was established in the June of 2012 as the ‘Impetus’ Church History Research Group in the frame of the Church History Research Institute of the University founded by Rector Péter Erdő in 1999. It carries on independently the latter’s publications (Bibliotheca Historiae Ecclesiasticae Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány Nuncupatae) and researches in Rome and in Vienna, with the involvement of academic and other funding sources.
The newest title
Rupert Klieber–Péter Tusor
Science communication
Tusor Péter - Kruppa Tamás
TP_KT_Rubicon_202415.12 MB
Tusor Péter: Egy testben egy lélek. Az egyházi állam a kora újkorban
Kruppa Tamás: Túl a zeniten. Velence a török korban