2023. augusztus elején a IX. Fraknói Nyári Akadémia előadói a kalocsai érsekség történetével kapcsolatban végzett legfrissebb kutatásaik eredményét tárták az érseki városban a hallgatóság elé. Az akadémia eredményeként most napvilágot látott kötetben kilenc tanulmány került publikálásra Kanász Viktor és Sági György szerkesztésében. Tusor Péter kutatócsoport-vezető előszavát követően az írások négy fejezetbe lettek rendezve.

2024. September 5.

Fraknói Centenary (1924–2024)

The prominent international event of the Fraknói centenary took place on June 6, 2024, at the Aventine headquarters of the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani, next to the headquarters of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. At the scientific conference titled Protagonisti e Collaboratori – Studiosi provenienti dall’Europa centro-orientale presso gli archivi della Santa Sede tra il 1881 e il 1918 (Protagonists and Collaborators - Researchers from Central and Eastern Europe at the Holy See Archives between 1881 and 1918), in addition to members of the Fraknói Research Group, Italian, Austrian, Czech, Polish, and Croatian researchers also gave presentations.

2024. June 11.

The venue and theme of the Fraknói Academy, held for the tenth time, is justified by the centenary of the death of Vilmos Fraknói (1843–1924) in 2024. Vilmos Fraknói was the main organizer of Hungarian historical research in the Vatican following the gradual opening of the Holy See's collections from 1881. He initiated the Monumenta Vaticana Hungariae, and in the 1890s, using the income from his ecclesiastical benefices, he established the Hungarian Historical Institute in Rome as a private institution. He did not work alone; several others joined the efforts. The roles of his collaborators are important, yet their activities in Rome have not been thoroughly examined by historical scholarship.There is also much to be said about Fraknói Vilmos's years in Rome, his plans, and especially his legacy.

2024. May 4.
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The Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Péter Pázmány Catholic University was established in the June of 2012 as the ‘Impetus’ Church History Research Group in the frame of the Church History Research Institute of the University founded by Rector Péter Erdő in 1999. It carries on independently the latter’s publications (Bibliotheca Historiae Ecclesiasticae Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány Nuncupatae) and researches in Rome and in Vienna, with the involvement of academic and other funding sources.


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