Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group’s predecessor’s project namely Die Bischöfe der Donaumonarchie 1804 bis 1918. Ein amtsbiographisches Lexikon, hg. von Rupert Klieber, Band I: Die röm.kath. Kirchenprovinzen Gran, Kalocsa, Erlau im Königreich Ungarn, unter Mitarbeit von Péter Tusor, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2020 (xviii + 661 p) has finished on Pentecost 2020. The project started in 2012 with the participation of Zsófia Szirtes, Krisztina Tóth, István Fazekas, and András Forgó. Here you can order the volume. Here you can see the list of authors and the literature used. More information is available here .
Bishops played a decisive role for the Habsburg Empire. Apart from their ecclesiastical agenda they emerged as state servants, ideology agents or nation builders. The first volume of the handbook is devoted to the biography, church career and ministerial performance of 128 roman-catholic bishops in the multi-lingual Kingdom of Hungary where they were an integral part of the political establishment. It offers a synopsis of local and international research enriched by references from central archives.
Hungarian version is being edited which will also contains the summary of experiences of co-work with Slovak historians. The editors hope that the second edition will be an expanded and improved edition. On the 100th anniversary of the Trianon tragedy we consider it an extremely serious achievement to achieve that in such a prestigious international publication Hungarian history appears essentially as Hungarian and not as other history.
Here you can order the volume.