It is always a great pleasure when a famous international publish house publish a book in hungarian history topic. Book presentation of Kirche und Kulturtransfer. Ungarn und Zentraleuropa in der Frühen Neuzeit (hg. von Maria-Elisabeth Brunert, András Forgó, Arno Strohmeyer, Münster, Aschendorff, 2019). were hosted by Theology Faculty of Péter Pázmány Catholic University, MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group and University of Pécs on 5th of March 2020.
The newly published book which was edited by András Forgó, Maria-Elisabeth Brunert and Arno Strohmeyer is the 40th part of the highly reputed series Schriftenreihe zur Neueren Geschichte. The book is based on an international conference lectures from the year 2011.
On the event after Péter Tusor’s opening speech Gábor Kármán (researching fellow, Research Centre for the Humanities Institute of History) and Rev. Máté Gárdonyi (head of department, Theology Faculty of Péter Pázmány Catholic University) presented the book for the numerous audiences.