Interview with Vatican Radio on the new results and future of the Research Group

To discuss the latest research results of the Fraknói Research Group, Vatican Radio hosted Péter Tusor, Tamás Fedeles, Tamás Kruppa, Gábor Nemes and the Research Group's Vatican Research Resident, Katalin Nagy. During the interview, senior research fellow and university professor Tamás Fedeles spoke in detail about his recently published book, the publication of his half-decade-long collection of material in the archives of the Apostolic Camera. Then Péter Tusor evaluated the 2017-2022 MTA/ELKH funded research grant period. He briefly presented the plans and goals of the Research Group for the new cycle (2022-2027) following the successful reapplication. He informed that the new Vatican-Hungarian series Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae , founded two decades ago, will publish by 2022 a total of 30 volumes of basic research results from the millennial history of relations between Hungary and the Holy See. In his view, all this means that the Research Group has become the depository of the intellectual heritage of Vilmos Fraknói. He also pointed out that the Roman institutional heritage of Fraknói is unfortunately still highly dysfunctional, as it does not fulfil the task that the founder had set for it. And this task, the founder and head of the Fraknói Research Group underlined, is none other than the systematic exploration and processing of the sources of Hungarian history from the Vatican Apostolic Archives and other Holy See archives. Paradoxically, the Fraknói Research Group is forced to organise its research in Rome as if the foundation of Vilmos Fraknói's research institution and the related donation of property to the Hungarian state had not taken place in 1913 - Péter Tusor drew attention to the problem that needs to be solved, and he provides the full historiographical context and documentation in his monograph on the history of research (CVH I/20).


The newest volumes of the Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae, now in Rome, and as usual deposited in the libraries of papal collections and universities, Italian and foreign institutions, are: Fedeles Tamás: Ordinationum Documenta Pontificia de Regnis Sacrae Coronae Hungariae (1426–1523). Ex Libris Formatarum Camerae Apostolicae collecta. Klerikusszentelések a Római Kúriában a Magyar Szent Korona országaiból (1426–1523). Az Apostoli Kamara Libri Formatarum bejegyzései, Nemes Gábor: Repertorium Pontificiorum Documentorum in Regnis Sacrae Coronae Hungariae existentium (1417–1526), Kruppa Tamás: Forgách Ferenc okmánytár. Levelek és iratok (1586–1615), valamint Tusor Péter: Monumenta és Collectanea. Magyar történeti kutatások a Vatikánban (1881–2021).