Due to the upcoming memorial year of Mohács battle Fraknói Research Group and University of Pécs has launched a new common project. The project's main goal is to process the Hungarian late medieval church history. The Mohács 500 project undertook to publish four monographs in hungarian, one monograph in english, three study volumes as well as five source publications. Beyond that the project undertook to publish in english and hungarian a representative publication and a bilingual biographical lexicon. Tamás Fedeles project manager will organize three conferences between 2020 and 2026.The planned issues will be published in Fraknói Research Group’s series Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae and in Thesaurus Historiae Ecclesiasticaein Universitate Quinqueecclesiensi. As well as the two mentioned above english volumes will be published in italian series Sette Cittá which is powered by Universita della Tuscia (Viterbo).