At the invitation of István Szijártó, professor of the Department of the History of Economy and Social History, Fraknói Research Group gave a presentation on its work at the ELTE BTK on 20 May. During the presentation, Péter Tusor, embedded in the historiography of Vatican research, presented the history of the Research Group, its operational framework and its achievements. In doing so, he referred to the volumes, of the Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae published so far, as well as to the international embeddedness of the research. Afterwards, Viktor Kanász presented how a university student can get involved in research, and in the context of a case study he presented the results of his doctoral research and the history of Girolamo Martinengo's nunciature. The presentation was concluded by a discussion on the current state of research in the Vatican, the fate of the Fraknó Villa, and the relationship of the Research Group with the Catholic University and other research groups.