On 22nd of January 2020 Emil Hargittay’s and Csaba Péter Horváth’s newly published books were presented at Theology Faculty of Péter Pázmány Catholic University in Budapest. Both books focused on Cardinal Pázmány’s literary work. Hargittay Emil, the renowned literary’s newest book namely Pázmány Péter írói módszere presents and analyzes Pázmány’s author and argumentative method. Horváth’s monograph is the newest critical edition of Pázmány’s pamhlet namely Öt szép levél.(vö. Magyar Kurír).
By reason of the new books the Theology Faculty organized a round table discussion which focused on scientifical researching about Pázmány. Leader of the Fraknói Research Group Péter Tusor presented the state of historical research concerning the Cardinal. He recalled that last couple years Fraknói Research Group has published several books and monograph in the topic. (CVH I/3. CVH I/13. CVH II/6 és CVH II/7) Péter Tusor also shared the information that Viktor Kanász and Róbert Oláh members of the Research Group are working on the third volume of Cardinal Pázmány’s correspondence which will be the continuation of Ferenc Hanuy’s works.