Repertorium Pontificiorum Documentorum in Regnis Sacrae Coronae Hungariae existentium (1417–1526)

Gábor Nemes

The volume contains a repertory of the papal documents that have survived in the territory of historical Hungary, dating from 1417 to 1526. The work is an integral part of the objectives of the prestigious series Index Actorum Romanorum Pontificum ab Innocentio III in ad Martinum V electum, launched by Franco Bartoloni. During the collection, the author has considered all forms of manuscript survival, including not only the original, but also the transcriptions, copies and even manuscripts, as well as printed funeral epistles. In addition to the Diplomatic Archives (DL) and the Diplomatic Photograph Collection (DF) of the National Archives of the Hungarian National Archives, the Hevenes, Kaprina and Pray collections held at the ELTE University Library and Archives, as well as online databases, formed the basis of the collection. Using the manuscripts and editions collected during the research, a data set was compiled for each document containing the date of the document, the initial words of the context of the document, its incipit, the name of the issuing pope, the title, the manuscripts that preserve the text of the document and the editions of each document.

Of the 1 064 copies of the charter that have survived in the archives of the Carpathian Basin for more than 100 years between 1417 and 1526, 672 have been recovered. More than half of these, 344, have survived in the original. The introduction to the volume, which is also available in English at the end, deals with the analysis and evaluation of the documents processed and the problems of their survival and preservation.

The repertory is followed by a series of indexes: first an index of persons and places, then a list of DL and DF numbers and a list of manuscripts without these, and finally an alphabetical index of the incipits.

A repertory of Curia officials has also been compiled by examining the original documents in the volume. The work is thus intended as a contribution to the collection of prosopographies and biographies of the persons who worked in the Papal Curia offices, which was begun decades ago by Thomas Frenz, a renowned professor of diplomacy and palaeography at the University of Passau.