Faith and War: Rome and Sárvár in the 16th-17th Centuries" - Presentation in the Grand Hall of Nádasdy Castle

In April 17th, in the grand hall of the Nádasdy Ferenc Museum in Sárvár, Viktor Kanász, a research associate of the Research Group, delivered a presentation titled 'Faith and War: Rome and Sárvár in the 16th-17th centuries.'

Following a welcoming address by Gábor Szibler, Kanász delved into the intertwined histories of the Kanizsai and Nádasdy families with Rome, presenting sources from the Vatican Apostolic Archives and the Apostolic Library. He extensively covered Kanizsai László's pilgrimage to Rome and Loreto in 1525 and the circumstances of his death, the centuries-old controversies controversies surrounding Nádasdy Tamás's religiosity, and the previously undisclosed connections between the nobleman and the papal nuncios. He then showcased the Nádasdy-related documents from the Holy See during the Thirty Years' War. Briefly, he touched upon the relevance of the Research Group's latest volume and the research on the Árpás Altarpiece to Sárvár. In conclusion, he emphasized that various sources awaiting exploration in papal collections and the Nádasdy archives could significantly enrich the known history of the Kanizsai and Nádasdy families.


Fotók: Takács-Reichardt Gabriella