Katalin Nagy in 2019 as a graduate student of Scuola Vaticana di Paleografia, Diplomatica e Archivistica became external member of Fraknói Research Group. Within this capacity in Rome she is the researcher resident of the Fraknói Research Group. She represents our scientifical community by several scholarly events or by organizing conferences. (Like here and here) Among her tasks Katalin Nagy is also responsible to share with the Research Group’s members roman scientific events that are available on our heading.
Thanks to Katalin's residency in Rome and her permanent access to Vatican Apostolic Archive during Covid lockdown our members could have worked on their research continously. Obviously this position is another step forward in the life of the Research Group to reach the main purpose, namely a Hungarian Historical Institute in Rome.
Finally, we are glad to announce that Katalin Nagy finished her doctoral program at University La Sapienza and she obtained her PhD degree. Her professors, were Giancarlo Schirru (Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”) and Alessandro De Angelis (Università degli Studi di Messina).