As part of the 2024 Fraknói Centenary Program Series, several members of the Research Group present the latest scientific findings related to the topics investigated by Fraknói and his contemporaries in various lectures. Following Balázs Rétfalvi's presentation, on March 13, 2024, Viktor Kanász discussed the history of Móric Szász's 1552 Hungarian campaign and encampment in Győr.
During his presentation, he emphasized the significance of contemporary nuncios' reports on Hungarian affairs, a point also highlighted by Vilmos Fraknói, as these sources contain valuable information about the geopolitical background and military events of the year 1552. They shed light on the siege of Eger and Szász Móric's encampment in Győr. Additionally, contemporary documents from Italian, Viennese, and Hungarian archives provide further insights.
Using these sources, the presenter first outlined the highly negative historiographical interpretations that emerged concerning Szász's electoral activities. He then juxtaposed these interpretations with the newly discovered sources.
The content of Viktor Kanász's presentation was published in the 2023 issue of Arrabona and can be downloaded from there.
As the next event in the Fraknói Centenary, on April 10th, Péter Tusor will hold the IX. University Workshop Seminar.