Assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, Viktor Kanász held a lecture at the doctoral conference Közvetítő rendszerek, médiumok és hatalomgyakorlás a kora újkori Európában (Intermediary Systems, Mediums and Exercise of Power in Early Modern Europe) at ELTE Szekfű Gyula Library on 5 June 2019. In his lecture (An Example of the Information Flow in an Early Modern Episcopate: Miklós Oláh's Testimony on György Fráter) he examined the connection between Miklós Oláh and György Fráter, how Oláh remembered the murdered cardinal in his testimony and what channels he gained information about his predecessor.
A week later on 14 June 2019, another conference (Conference of Doctoral Students in Medieval Studies) was organised at ELTE, where Terézia Horváth, assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group held lecture on the institution of the collegiate in Vasvár. She presented the two sources which provide information about the institution, and she gave a hypothesis that the establishment is related to a certain bishop of Győr from the 12th century.
On the second day of the conference Viktor Kanász gave another lecture about the testament and Italian pilgrimage of László Kanizsai. In his lecture, he presented the sources on the pilgrimage and the previously unknown testament which preceded the journey.