Series Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae new volume I/18. kötete namely Klerikusszentelések a Római Kúriában a Magyar Szent Korona Országaiból (1426–1523) has been published at the beginning of the Summer 2021. Tamás Fedeles research fellow of Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group edited the book which presents precisely nearly 800 Hungarian clerics promotions in Rome during the late Middle Ages. This volume publish hitherto unknown priests' names and other data of them.
Since 2002 this mentioned volume is the seventh which pay attention to Hungarian Middle Ages and Hungarian Roman relations. Earlier: CVH I/1 (Artner-okmánytár); I/7 (Consistorialia Doc. Pontif.); I/9–10 (Cameralia Doc. Pontif.); I/12 (Brevia Clem.); I/16 (Reg. Suppl. Hadr. VI); II/1 (Reg. Convent Contr.).
Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group, Viktor Kanász, Gábor Nemes and Krisztina Tóth research fellows of Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group also took part in the new volume as editors and reader editors.