On the 2nd April 2016 I held a lecture with the title “Ottokár Prohászka and the Sacra Congregatio Consistorialis of Rome (1911–1913)” at the request of Gergely Mózessy, the senior archivist of the Episcopal Archives of Székesfehérvár. I examined the role of the Consistorial Congregation, the second most prestigious “ministry” in the Roman Curia after the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, in the curial action against him. (Cf. http://institutumfraknoi.hu/archivum/2016 [2 April])
See the study version of the lecture at: Prohászka Ottokár a római Sacra Congregatio Consistorialis előtt (1911–1913), Prohászka-tanulmányok, 2015–2017 (ed. by Gergely Mózessy), Székesfehérvár 2017, 268–319.
In the following there is a facsimile-selection from the sources that were analysed and published in this study.
The location of the documents: Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Archivio Concistoriale, Congregatio Consistorialis, Positiones, Albaregalen. (Székesfehérvár) (busta 1), without folio numbers (s.f.)
Székesfehérvár, 24 December 1911. The letter of Ottokár Prohászka to Pius X („Relatio de modernismo”) with the draft of the answer of the Congregation. It was published in the above mentioned study, Documents nr. 5.
Cardinal Francesco della Volpe to Cardinal Gaetano De Lai. Rome, 13 September 1911. It was published in the above mentioned study, Documents nr. 3.
Cardinal Gaetano De Lai to Ottokár Prohászka. Rome, 22 September 1911. The first handwritten and several times corrected draft. It was published by Gábor Adriányi after a typewritten copy.
Ottokár Prohászka to Cardinal Gaetano de Lai. Székesfehérvár, 30 September 1911. It was published by Gábor Adriányi after a copy.
Rome, around June 1913. The Latin translation of Szádok Szabó O.P. – partly in a summarized form – of the essay of Ottokár Prohászka: „Mekkora mélység az üres madárfészek?”