On 21 November, the VIIth academic workshop seminar of the Fraknói Research Group took place at Brenner János Theological College in Győr, where Gábor Nemes and Tamás Kruppa presented their research and the volumes presenting the results of their research.
The VIII Fraknói Summer Academy was also hosted by the College, where the audience was welcomed by Canon Zoltán Lukácsi. In his opening remarks, Péter Tusor stressed the importance for the Fraknói Research Group of the dissemination of Vatican research results both in the academic world in Rome (2018, 2019, DHI 2022) and at home. The first and the sixth of these were held at PTE, the second, third and fourth at PPKE and the fifth at SzTE, with a decisive direct link to university education.
The volume Repertorium Pontificiorum Documentorum in Regnis Sacrae Coronae Hungariae existentium (1417–1526) , which is the basis of the paper presented by Gábor Nemes at the workshop seminar in Győr, is a handbook whose main objective was to enumerate the papal publications (manuscript copies and editions) published between 1417 and 1526 and held in the archives of the Carpathian Basin.
Following the presentation of Gábor Nemes, Tamás Kruppa presented the political correspondence of Ferenc Forgách, Bishop of Nitra and Archbishop of Esztergom, which was published in the CVH volume II/9 , the final volume of the previous research period. The sources on which the research is based are scattered in several archives in Italy, Austria and Hungary, but most of them are kept in the Vatican Apostolic Archives and the State Archives of Biella. What is interesting about this edition is that it contains not only the letters written to Forgách or by him on political topics, but also the thematically related nuncial reports and other letters about Forgách: the importance of this is shown by the fact that, of the 212 documents in the volume, 92, with few exceptions, unpublished Forgách letters are accompanied by 75 reports, mostly written by nuncios.
The event was closed by Tamás Fedeles, who drew the audience's attention to the positive reception in Rome of the Research Group's volumes. At the same time, he invited everyone to the presentation on 13 December of the new volume of studies on Hungary and the Holy See of Rome III (CVH I/21, Bp.-Rome 2022), which will publish the lectures of the VIII Summer Academy in Fraknói.